October 16, 2024

Fair Share

Just as in most schools across the nation, the Marching Band program is not funded by Federal, State, or County funds and will only continue to exist when each student contributes to the operating expenses of the program.  Our band operates on a “Fair Share” plan for the budget.  Fair Share is a program that distributes the must have expenses for the marching season equally among all members, including Color Guard.  Each child is responsible for contributing $200.  This covers dry cleaning, bus fees, competition entrance fees, and other expenses incurred by the marching band group.  Families may choose to pay the fees outright, use fundraisers to raise the money, or make installment payments throughout the season.  NO STUDENT WILL BE DENIED INTO THE PROGRAM DUE TO FINANCIAL HARDSHIP!!!  

$50.00 of the fair share was due at the end of the 2022-2023 school year.  Another $50.00 payment will be due following band camp to cover music, equipment, drill writing/licensing fees, competition registration fees, and other items needed to begin the season.

Students must have a pair of marching shoes and a PHS band t-shirt.  Both of these items will be reusable from year to year provided the student does not outgrow them.

There will be opportunities for students to raise money towards their fair share through fundraisers. We are asking that each parent sign up to volunteer for at least one event during the season.  The parent involvement and support will serve to propel our band to new levels of success.

For more information contact Band Boosters at pinecrestbandboosters@gmail.com.