January 23, 2025

Student/Parent Resources

In an effort to increase communication with you now and going forward Mr. Creech has signed up for the text app REMIND. It’s a great way to get a quick message out that will reach you quicker than an email. It’s recommend that students and parents sign up. 

  • Just Text to #: 81010
    Text this message = @2023pinec
    Now you are signed up – Super Easy!

The Band Boosters also uses the BAND App as the primary way to communicate with parents about all band events, meeting dates and times, as well as other updates.  It allows direct, non-public communication with everyone.  We will still leverage social media; however, the BAND App allows us to provide additional support to parents faster and engage with you all in a more focused environment.

We ask that all parents/guardians download and install the BAND App on your mobile devices, and join the Pinecrest Marching Patriots Band group via this link https://band.us/n/abae7ahc52439

Other Helpful Information and Links:

Facebook: Pinecrest High School Band Booster Club

Twitter: @PinecrestBand

Email: pinecrestbandboosters@gmail.com

Fundraising:  There are many ways that you can help support the band every day.  There are links to all of these on our website.  Click support the band and then Fundraising.

  • Harris Teeter: Rewards are based on purchases of HT brand items.  Remember to “relink” your Harris Teeter Card to the band each August.  Our VIC# is 5450
  • Amazon Smile:  Amazon gives back 1/2% of all purchases.  Simply link your Amazon account to “Pinecrest Area 3 Band Booster Club.”  You will need to login at https://smile.amazon.com
  • Shop with Scrip-Purchase gift cards (Must be electronic gift cards) from nearly 400 retail stores and the band gets a portion of the proceeds.  In addition, you get 1-13% off the face value of the card. (varies by retailer). Our enrollment code is 686B534345265  www.raiseright.com
  • Lowes Food: Link your Lowes reward card to Pinecrest Band Boosters.  Rewards are based on purchases of Lowes Foods private label items.