January 25, 2025

Band Fest


The Pinecrest High School Marching Patriots will host Band Fest at the John Williams football stadium in Pinehurst, NC on September 30th, 2023.  North Carolina bands ranging from Class 1A to Class 4A regional bands compete, with six judges deciding the best bands in the areas of color guard, drum major, percussion, marching and more. Each band is scheduled to play a 15-minute set with five minute transition times in between. The Pinecrest band will appear last in an exhibition performance.

Bands will be assigned to 1 of 4 classifications, which will be determined by the number of playing members (including percussion) after the registration deadline.  If more than 16 bands register, there will be 5 classes.  

Our judges’ panel consists of respected college professors, marching experts and directors from SE North Carolina scoring Music Performance 40%, Marching & Maneuvering 30%, and General Effect 30%.

Using Olympic Style Judging, 5 judges will cover a full sheet, the top and bottom scores will be dropped and the 3 middle scores will be averaged for a final band score.

Ratings will be:  Superior  80 – 100 pts.; Excellent  60 – 79.9 pts.; Good 0 – 59.9 pts.


Please submit your sponsorship details online via the 2023-2024 Pinecrest Patriots Band Together Sponsorship form and complete your donation now by using the “Donate” PayPal button below.  You may also download the paper form if you need to make a payment via check. 

Copy-of-Pinecrest-Patriots-Band-Together-2022-Sponsorship-Opportunities.pdf (895 downloads)



Adults & Students $10 / Children under 6 free! – PICK THEM UP AT THE REGISTRATION TENT ON BANDFEST 2022 DAY!